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Choose tooling:

To make work with library more convenient and automate classes creation, boilerplate code, etc., you can use one of this tools, otherwise you have to do all dirty work manually:

Depends on your IDE and personal preferences choose one of the ways:

Install plugin from Marketplace:

1. Open settings and then select Plugins.

2. Click the Marketplace tab and type 'Elementary' in the search field.

3. To install the plugin, click Install and restart IntelliJ IDEA.

Install Elementary extensions from Extension Marketplace:

1. Bring up the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code or the View: Extensions command (⇧⌘X).

2. Type 'Elementary' in the search field.

3. To install the plugin, click Install

If you don't have Mason installed, you need to install it by running the command:

dart pub global activate mason_cli

The next step is to initialize Mason, run:

mason init
Then install Elementary by running the command:

Install locally

mason add elementary
Install globally

mason add -g elementary

To direct usage run

dart pub global activate elementary_cli  

flutter pub global activate elementary_cli

To use elementary_cli as a library in the pubspec.yaml file add

    elementary_cli: $actual_version

or run:

With Dart:

dart pub add elementary_cli

With Flutter:

flutter pub add elementary_cli

After this run:

flutter pub get